SharePoint 2010: Workflow BCC Field

The Default view of the e-mail template in SharePoint 2010 does not allows BCC fields. It is possible to add BCC fields for e-mails in your workflow. To activate this you have to fall back on a short trick: Insert your planned BCC recepient into the CC field of the e-mail. In SharePoint Designer navigate to the folder that holds the newly created workflow files (usaually it is stored under /sitename/workflows > navigate to “All files” then “Workflows). Open the XOML file of the workflow with Notepad (use right-click). Then search for the CC and BCC field and change CC with BCC (you will find them in the :EmailActivity node). Save the file, reopen the workflow, doublecheck the empty CC field, republish, thats it!

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Error installing Phoca Gallery 3 under Joomla! 1.6.5

On installing Phoca Gallery 3 under Joomla! 1.6.5 the following error occurred: JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder and JInstaller: :Install: Cannot find Joomla XML setup file To get the component working install it manually: 1. Extract the .ZIP loacal 2. Open install.bak.sql and execute the skript in your phpmyadmin 3. copy all files […]

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Google+, WordPress 3.2 …

Fast kein Tag geht vorbei, ohne dass ich über eine Softwareaktualisierung stolpere: Heute, gleich zwei Stück, einmal Google+ und einmal WordPress 3.2. Das eine eine Social Media Plattform, Konkurrenz zu Facebook (endlich!), das andere ein Blogging-System, meiner Meinung nach funktionell im CMS-Bereich unerreicht.

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